This page is the digital home of the Chef's many GAME-TOWN Games and TECH CHEX Applications used in class as Academic Objective Accomplishers!


Growing up I was a HUGE fan of Game-Shows, especially the many awesome ones on NICKELODEON that were family friendly, fun, and involved getting SLIMED! Needless to say, I've made A LOT of games designed for my Science Classes, and HERE THEY ARE!!!!!!

Slidez Racer Gamez

Floyd Camp (SYS & BugJuice)

Floyd House

Dragon Ball Floyd

The Science Rangerz VS Evil Chef Dyolf: Esape from ECD's Castle = OFFICIAL TITLE!, ECD's Castle: Evil Chef Dyolf VS the Science Rangerz! (include sci rangerz! maybe have rooms like the red room, green room, 6th room etc logic! perhaps this is an evil aka an ECD version of FLOYD HOUSE for the gameplay mechanic?! okay so it is later in the day and i like this idea! but have them start as regular students and they have to survive the castle and each layer like red room green room these are layers, and the student that wins each layer gets sunglasses and becomes a science ranger! then the team of 6 face gold ecd at the end! so like they do the same slide submit first logic for each level/layer and the winner gets to become a ranger so there are 6 chances for this or maybe i make more chances idk to give them more reason to keep trying!) Chef's Castle? Escape from ECD's Castle? Somg kind of game that features a scary castle with monsters ala rita/zedd's so i can use those rare saban midis, so i can put them to good use! that and the unicron midi! what is the game mechanic though...hmmmmm....perhaps a puzzle? a bracket? think it up! 11-18-21!

"The Game of Games" Gamez

Big Brother: Floyd House Edition

Floyd-Based Original Gamez

Where In The World is Chef Floyardee?

Chef Cup, Floyd Pong, and Floyardee Bottle Flip

Blue Mark Special aka "The Randomizer Game"

CHEF...SAYS! (Featuring "Whose Chef Is It Anyways?" + "FLOYD BOUNCE!")

Nick-e-floy-deon G.A.S. (Double Dare, Figure It Out, ChefOtakuOtev Says, Hidden Temple, Guts, Wild&Crazy RedLightGreenLite, What Would You Do, & You'reOn! (make this a CHEF CELL CHEF GAMES tournament bracket idea to include a bracket, have them face off and match up and play stuff analgous to specific nick GAS shows logic! 11-11-21 idea!)

Are You Afraid of the Floydbumps Mansion?! (should I add AKILA'S SUB-LAB to this instead of making Floyd House longer hmmmm 11-19-21?! every scientist has a sublablogic! does ECD thus need one well, and so too Chef Floyardee?!

Game Show Gamez

Family Floyd

Hollywood Floyd Squares

Password Floyardee

$10,000 Pyramid: Floyd Edition

PSSA Jeopardy: Hosted By Chef Floyardee

Press Your CHEF

The Weakest CHEF

"Board No More" Gamez


Connect 4loyd

Tool Time Matching + Chef Floyardee Home Improvement Platformer (Zarm Esque Turn-Based Strategy Games on Grid Maps!)

SGS Study Guide Gamez

Floyardee's Flash-Card Feenoms #chempraxpptlogic21

Video Game Gamez

Pokémon Floyd Version

This is the Beta Version of Pokémon Floyd, and as such more badges and content are to be added!

Controls are as follows:

A - "z"

B - "x"

Up - "Arrow Up"

Down - "Arrow Down"

Left - "Arrow Left"

Right - "Arrow Right"

Start - "Enter"

Select - "Space"

To play this game, please, download the latest Flash player!

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TECH CHEX Applications

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